Transforming Communication
South Metropolitan Health Service
South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS) is one of the Perth metropolitan public health service providers, consisting of:
Fiona Stanley Hospital
Fremantle Hospital
Rockingham General Hospital
Murray District Hospital
Peel Health Campus delivered as a public private partnership with Ramsay Health Care Limited
SMHS delivers hospital and community based public healthcare services to a population of approximately 659,000 people. Our Kaartdijin Innovation Centre is supporting staff to design and implement innovative solutions to improve service delivery and outcomes for our community. Ideas can be submitted from any area of the organisation and may include external collaborations to get the best outcomes. Our motto is Goombah Kaartdijin, a Nyoongar phrase that can be translated as Big Dreaming. We’re aiming to build a strong culture of innovation and creativity which supports rapid cycles of design, prototyping, testing, implementing (or failing fast if required).
https://smhs.health.wa.gov.au/About-Us https://smhs.health.wa.gov.au/About-Us/Strategic-focus/Innovation
Timely and relevant communication is a foundation of excellent patient care and contributes to a fantastic workplace. In the first half of 2021, SMHS ran an innovation challenge seeking big ideas from staff for how we can transform our communications at SMHS and improve outcomes for patients. Ideas were shortlisted and the best ideas were selected to pitch to our Innovation Pitch Panel. This project will support the development and progression of selected digital communication ideas from the innovation challenge, including internal staff communications platform, patient facing care planning application and patient education. The student team will work with staff to scope and further develop the ideas, and if possible progress to prototyping and testing.